Welcome to The Partnership for Early childhood mental health

We work towards a reality that allows all children and families– particularly the most vulnerable – to have equitable access to high quality early childhood mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment services in the context of family-centered, trauma-informed and racially-just systems.

ECMH Matters!

Help Us Uncover People Who Care

Join us in “uncovering people who care” about early childhood mental health (ECMH) by completing a short questionnaire and sharing it with others! It helps us know who is working to support young children’s social emotional wellness and mental health. Knowing this allows us to offer support in more places across the Commonwealth.

Uncovering people who care helps you too!

Click on links below for other ways to participate in our Uncovering Campaign.


Join in future opportunities to build ECMH Capacity across Massachusetts

Take Action

Take action across Massachusetts to ensure every child grows up in a community where ECMH Matters!

Find Partners

Find partners who are also in the Early Childhood Mental Health field to network or other opportunities


Amplify your events, resources, and/or services while networking with partners and stakeholders across Massachusetts


Boston Alliance for Young Children’s Social Emotional Wellness

BAYCSEW is a diverse community of family members and professionals who promote the social emotional wellbeing of young children and their families by supporting relationships, building capacity, and enhancing systems.

BAYCSEW is a collaborative space, bringing together early childhood champions, both family members and professionals.

ECMH on Instagram

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Link & Resources

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Zero to Three.org

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Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative

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National Project LAUNCH - Promote and Prevent

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Georgetown University: Center for Child and Human Development

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Jewish Family and Children's Services

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The Rice Institute for Young Children & Families

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