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ECMHMatters Podcast

The Early Childhood Mental Health Partnership has developed an innovative approach to a community of practice. We have produced a limited series podcast to share our experience of partnering across Massachusetts to increase capacity to serve the families of our youngest citizens. In these first 4 episodes we will tell the story of the Boston Public Health Commission and Department of Public Health integrating ECMH Clinicians and Family Partners into primary care settings. Through the podcast our partners share how we did it, what went well and what we learned it will take to continue our great work.

We have recorded over 30 interviews that cover the birth of the partnership through 10 years of amazing work and finally our grant project coming to a close in September of 2019. Some of our guests include Project LAUNCH and System of Care Clinicians and Family Partners, Evaluation team members and leadership at partner sites. The current episodes include links that take our listeners to tools, resources and providers that are doing Early Childhood Mental Health work across our state. 

In addition to the full episodes, checkout our Youtube channel for a series of snip-its from interviews.

Podcast Episodes

ECMHMatters Podcast – Episode 1

Malika speaks with Dr. Debbie Allen about her experience being a part of the founding team of the the Project LAUNCH/MYCHILD and System of Care grants held by the Partnership for Early Childhood Mental Health.

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ECMHMatters Podcast – Episode 2

Malika speaks with Dr. Debbie Allen about her experience being a part of the founding team of the the Project LAUNCH/MYCHILD and System of Care grants held by the Partnership for Early Childhood Mental Health.

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ECMHMatters Podcast – Episode 1

Malika speaks with Dr. Debbie Allen about her experience being a part of the founding team of the the Project LAUNCH/MYCHILD and System of Care grants held by the Partnership for Early Childhood Mental Health.

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