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Trauma Informed Collaborations for Families with Young Children

Affectionately known by the acronym TICFYC (“tick fick”), the Trauma Informed Collaborations for Families with Young Children project was designed in pursuit of one goal: facilitate and support community partnerships in the development of a shared trauma-informed approach to improve the health and wellbeing of children served. This goal included a two-pronged approach:

  1. To increase individual participating agency’s capacity to operate as a trauma informed culture, system and organization and
  2. To increase collaborations between participating agencies, improving service delivery for families with young children ages 0-5.

Early Education and Care Centers

Community Health Centers

Behavioral Health Agencies

Partner agencies from three sectors interfacing with young children and families (early education and care, community health centers, and community-based mental health) integrated a trauma-informed framework via a modified Learning Collaborative with a Coach-the-Coaches change process to support sustainable changes at each agency, biannual full-day learning sessions for agency representatives (i.e. change agents), and family engagement activities woven throughout.

We think the TICFYC model of change is replicable in many contexts to support trauma informed quality improvement efforts. The Quick Start Guide below is meant to encourage new and ongoing efforts.

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