Ages & Stages Questionnaire/Ages and Stages- Social Emotional tool

The Ages & Stages Questionnaire/Ages and Stages- Social Emotional tool was developed to help home visiting, early intervention, Early Head Start, Head Start, child welfare agencies, and other early childhood programs accurately screen and assess infants and young children to determine who would benefit from an in-depth evaluation in the area of social-emotional development. ASQ:SE can also be used in comprehensive Child Find systems to screen large groups of children for the early detection of potential social or emotional problems

ASQ:SE is a screening tool that identifies infants and young children whose social and emotional development requires further evaluation to determine if referral for intervention services is necessary. Eight questionnaires are available for different age groups: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, and 60 months of age. Each screens for self-regulation, compliance, communication, adaptive behaviors, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people

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