
The partnership

focuses on building the capacity of those working with young children and their families to promote social emotional wellness, prevent young children from experiencing severe behavioral problems and to treat those who are at imminent risk and who are already suffering from significant social emotional issues. It’s important that anyone who works with these populations has a basic understanding of children’s social emotional development and behavioral health and how critical nurturing relationships with consistent caring adults are to healthy development.

Professional development concerning the promotional level ensures that professionals have a basic understanding of children’s social emotional development and behavioral health and how critical nurturing relationships with consistent caring adults are to healthy development...

Professional development concerning the prevention level focuses on how to support children or their families facing risk factors, through a range of services and supports including Early Intervention, special education, child protective services, homeless programs, and family substance abuse recovery treatment or domestic violence supports.

Training on clinical intervention focuses on evidence-based child-parent approaches. Training must be combined with coaching/mentoring and/or reflective supervision if we are going to successfully change and improve practices.

The ECMH Partnership has a strong commitment to professional development and is investing time and resources through a subcommittee of the Young Children’s Council as well as supporting the state roll out of the CSEFEL Pyramid Model.

Early Childhood Mental Health Toolkit

Integrating early childhood mental health staff, services, and systems into pediatric practices, also known as medical homes, transforms primary care visits into holistic visits that care for the physical and mental health of a young child.

Acknowledging that many practices may not have the capacity to employ these positions in the current healthcare payment environment, BPHC has created a toolkit, called the Early Childhood Mental Health Toolkit: Integrating Mental Health Services into the Pediatric Medical Home that provides guidance integrating early childhood mental health staff, including a family partner, into the pediatric primary care setting, including:

Building a Core Team to Champion Children's Social and Emotional Health

Providing Family Centered Care for Children's Social and Emotional Health

Creating Medical Home Systems to Support Mental Health Integration

Financing and Sustaining the Early Childhood Mental Health Model of Integrated Care

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