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Office of the Child Advocate

The OCA works to ensure Massachusetts state agencies provide children with quality services and that children receiving services are protected from harm. We work with families, legislators, social workers, and other professionals to improve state services for children and families.


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Outpatient (CBHI)

Outpatient Therapy (OP) is one of the foundations of behavioral health treatment for children and youth. It is usually the first place that families go to when they need help, as well as the service youth return to, or step down to, after encountering a higher level of care. Many youth benefit from, and have their behavioral health treatment needs met primarily by, outpatient therapy 


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Positive Behavior Support

PBS provides a process to understand and resolve the problem behavior of individuals or children that is based on values and empirical research. It offers an approach to develop an understanding of why the child engages in problem behavior and strategies to prevent the occurrence of problem behavior while teaching the child new skills. 


Positive Behavior Support offers a holistic approach that considers all factors that have an impact on a child and the child’s behavior. It can be used to address problem behaviors that range from aggression, tantrums, and property destruction to social withdrawal.

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Primary Care Provider 

A primary care provider (PCP) is a health care practitioner who sees people that have common medical problems. This person is most often a doctor. However, a PCP may be a physician assistant or a nurse practitioner. 


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 Protective Factors Survey (tool)

The Protective Factors Survey (PFS) and the Protective Factors Survey, 2nd Edition (PFS-2) are designed for use with parents and caregivers participating in family support and child maltreatment prevention services. The PFS and PFS-2 assess multiple protective factors to prevent child abuse and neglect. Both surveys are intended to help agencies and programs better assess changes in family protective factors – a primary focus of prevention work.


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Protected Health Information

Protected health information (PHI), also referred to as personal health information, is the demographic information, medical histories, test and laboratory results, mental health conditions, insurance information and other data that a healthcare professional collects to identify an individual and determine appropriate care.


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Parent/Professional Advocacy League

Parent / Professional Advocacy League (PPAL) is an organization of parents and professionals who advocate on behalf of children with mental, emotional or behavioral needs and their families in order to effect family empowerment and systems change.

PAL is the State Organization of the Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health.

Their goals are to help families empower themselves through emotional support and information and resource sharing. We support families and professionals working together as equal partners to help families become effective advocates to meet their children’s and families’ needs.

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 Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that happen in some women after giving birth. According to the DSM-5, a manual used to diagnose mental disorders, PPD is a form of major depression that begins within 4 weeks after delivery. The diagnosis of postpartum depression is based not only on the length of time between delivery and onset but on the severity of the depression.


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